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Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Say NO to Bullying

Mr. Monday N1ght was asked to deliver an anti-bullying message. Unfortunately, the ad was never aired on national TV. But we stole the footage. Enjoy our spoof on a serious message...

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

I'll Survive

This is what happens when I get drunk... on vacation... on karaoke night...

(the footage is bad but this was 2007)

Monday, May 14, 2012

Span-ish... or something like it

This week I present a skit I wrote in another language. Not Spanish, not English, not even Spanglish... but something close to all of the above. If you don't speak a foreign language and you watch a foreign film for soap opera, you are left at the mercy of translators. Ever wonder if the words you hear and see are legit?

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

One Shot - Inspired by Coppola

This week, my buddy Don Raimondi and I decided to take on the mafia. I was hired to, uh, take care of that thing...